Sunday, November 9, 2008

I've been voting mostly Republican for decades. I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two weasels. Reagan was possibly the only positive vote for President I've ever cast (twice). I'm looking for a party. While I've never been convinced that John Kennedy was a great President (mediocre at best; a live Kennedy would not have been remembered as great), I could be a JFK Democrat. I simply could not be an RFK, Jr Democrat. I was a proud Reagan Republican. I was never a Bush or Dole Republican, nor a Ford Republican. We need a party that is actually in favor of smaller government. Both Bushes were in favor of paternalistic/maternalistic government "fixing" peoples' lives for them. Nixon was also too "big government" for me.

Libertarians are interesting people, but too many of them demand a "pure" party, instead of a winning party. A coalition of conservatives and libertarians would be hard to beat.

Another reader bcomes a blogger

I've been reading blogs for some years now. I begin writing one for no other reason than to please my wife. If someone else finds this interesting, all the better.

We aren't exactly on the road to perdition, but we are out of the driveway and have our left turn signal on. I fear for the way of the West. Will our entire country go into a nosedive as the result of one presidential election? No. Are we another couple of steps forward in our march to the rule of the state? Yes. The main thing that has been keeping Western democracy afloat is the power, both economic and military, of the United States. Our new President an Democrat controlled Congress seem intent on diminishing both. They want us to be better liked in the world. Being feared seems a bad thing in their eyes. It's the fear, however, and not the adulation, that has been the mainstay of our current level of civilization.